
What is he in oil painting skill

Had done "in Wells oil painting material technique seminar" China many artists to the study, in accordance with the will is refers to the French realist painter Claude in Wells. Is not to say that what kind of specific techniques, just the seminar learning painting techniques.
The Classical gleaner oil painting master system bottom method, Claude according to professor Wells in China was professor classical painting techniques. Particular way is as follows:
And then coated with rabbit skin glue (glue and water ratio for 710, 100 will film break, the first step: drag rubber. To use sand paper or pumice will tighten canvas a Contemporary painting and criticism. Then soak in cold water 56 hours, make its send go up, reoccupy water stewing way of making its melting. Or to use a little cold water immersion, to soften the send go up again into the hot water and stir until completely dissolved, glue is temperature (about 17 ℃ or so) can go to canvas coated scraping, spreading the canvas to keep flat, pour the glue fluid, with a big scraper will glue blow to the canvas. A whole canvas cut to glue, while its not dry will thread and summary to remove or flat.
With a plastic canvas, the second step: Cartoon decorative oil painting impression. Yellow lead oxide (litharge) boiled walnut oil grinding ZheGong toner (iron oxide red) to the appropriate thick thickness. With scraper will pigment blow up, after dry with pumice burnish again, make canvas appearance smoothly.
Grinding lead white and black toner. With a stiff brush to inquiry into the light grey thin on the canvas. Black and white toner ratio at will. Gray primer must try to thin, the third step: coated grey bottom. Use a walnut oil to add a linseed oil. That Thinking girl on flowers oil painting is not easy to crack. Not only besmear brushs a, in order to avoid red bottom emerged, also cannot cover linen cloth grain. Can use first scraper scraping a layer of ash background, dry after appearing again hard bristle brush with the second floor, then use the badger brush will pen mark sponge. Can a little add some soil red pigment and become red mantle.

