
Monet's famous work "lunch out of Victoria

In order to ensure that this work can win to leave Paris. The national gallery of Victoria, deputy director Mediterranean paintings: on September 1 on Wednesday is the final chance to appreciate this masterpiece. Art museum will be open until 9 PM.
Melbourne -- called monet's all the be fond of fever must on September 1, 9 p.m. on Wednesday as soon as possible before the national gallery of Victoria ornamental European master of art exhibition.
Because the work is Paris palace national gallery (part of the Modern home decor oil painting retrospective. Claude monet's famous work "lunch (theluncheon plan from the national gallery of Victoria early European master in the exhibition withdraw.
1870 will be presented at the Paris salon. But the painting art was rejected, lunch (theluncheon draw in 1868. Because it is considered to be describes a simple family scene too basic.
A lunch table, this picture shows a simple interior decoration. In the foreground is a vacant chair, waiting for monet I come. The woman is monet future wife Camille, and his son gene (jean a female visitors against in a window, the maid is to open the closet tidy up the toys on the floor.
Broke the conservative scale. The period of important salon paintings mostly describe portrait or analogy grand theme. Because of this work was salon the judging committee refused, monet describes a daily scene. And monet in become a important impressionist masters and never again after this work submitted to the salon.

