
International oil painting fair

Shenzhen held and a cultural event. Content mainly includes the map of the world famous paintings copy exhibition, dafen painting innovation creative competition, product oil painting fair, creative work + original oil painting auction, original artists exhibition, rural update and cultural creative industry peak BBS and China commodities such as oil painting industry summit.
But has trained a billions of output value, tens of thousands of employees painting industry headquarters gathering area. People call it the Chinese culture industry development process of a legend, shenzhen dafen painting village is one of the old village. Because it has a professional art colleges in the country was born a national demonstration base of the cultural industry, and get the party and state leaders continue to pay attention, and even become the Chinese culture to go out side important banner.
The dafen painting village in a village inside city regeneration story, this year the Shanghai world expo. On behalf of the oil painting the goldfish wonderful appearance, to the world made a victory marketing and promotion. After the world expo, dafen how to up the steps, and romance, how to face to face with a new look and purchasing businessmen pay more attention, this is the world expo to dafen painting village a new topic. Therefore shenzhen oil painting decided to hold international fair, and will continue to hold an annual to go down. Expect through holding oil painting fair to the dafen painting village as a leader, the lead, the commercial oil painting industry actively explore the international market, and strive to will the dafen painting village makes China's largest commodity trading base oil painting.
Participate in country update and cultural creative industry peak BBS speakers, the world famous school principal BBS on behalf of the principal. Sales contract signing, well-known enterprise GuanMaTuan representative, original artists as well as participation in China commodity painting industry summit representative attend the opening ceremony.

