
Reading Norway performance socialist MengKe painting innovation

Life is art, someone will ask. Art is life "the point of view of social work? Don't aesthetic? In fact, this sentence is to develop the function of the human thinking depth, let the human thought space open. In the concept of words, and conceptual art, behavior art founder speech. As for its role question, if there is no heaven fly month of fantasy can have today's space industry? Modern art general painting is not affected modern paintings architecture? Solution building in Modern decorative oil painting is a lot of art. Think that year deconstruction was but not with conservative aesthetics, a lot of phase place, the thought of today's development? MengKe develop the human spirit space, open up the art said picture form.
The whole picture with person is different, Norway said socialist MengKe artists. No one, draw others picture of that feeling, the innovation.
With him a level of younger generation - create the great masters of modern art DuSang said, the great painter finished home line the world no secret. Life is art, art is life, every breath, every fine hair is art "DuSang created the first art, art rise to philosophy, thoughts, ideas, and the formation of ideas and concept art. Art is, in order to an idea, someone will not afraid dead, a hero to pass the beauty pass, everything is because the mind is thought do mischief. Mediterranean painting will have this kind of idea type innovation.
Thought: if you say the word, and based on the western modern art macro control. Do an action, do a matter, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign modern people have no side and is beneficial to society is art. This is the modern art avant-garde concept understanding. In a word is paying attention to innovation.
Cutting ears, a long history. Suicide, what ancient clever, abnormal things, words were said, done, even eat feces has, not surprisingly, art in ancient China is tasted. To want a little innovation difficult! Innovation in and to the human society a little contribution is extremely difficult.
Work, people have life. Moral religion and so on each lap lap, like some breakthrough - difficult. And the previous art development very naive perfect and formation system, so a lot of artists mind free social edge and make people understand behavior, also can use DuSang point of view to illustrate some of the avant-garde art. Such as make love is art, but in public make love, or actor and members of the central museum in public places have sex (cleverly cover a cloth) field many critics interview, the reporter photographed, the history of art, the estimate is very innovative, very idea. Also can use the concept of DuSang just illustrative pass. Of course this kind of art with China's national conditions discrepancy, but China some so-called avant-garde artists do behavior and ideas also really let a person can't eat rice, very sick

