
With faith draw tomorrow

Even if the art market suffered a heavy blow, even if the songzhuang walked off two-thirds of painter, but still some people insist on down. They are not purchased painter, some even have not yet sold a picture, but they are still in the heart for art and persistent stand. From them to see the trace of the market decline, more is calm and hope.

Make art cannot demand "XianShiBao"

Mention market crisis, YuHui said painting is his love affair, and engaged in other industries, because the heart like so chose, not hope to get the so-called XianShiBao.

YuHui graduated from hunan polytechnic institute of fine arts, and after graduation, he worked as a teacher, also doing design, but in the heart always have a fine arts complex, and the work period has been insisting in the picture. In 2005, he completely give up the original work, have taken to concentrate on writing. In 2007 he alone came to Beijing, songzhuang settled in. "In fact for art creation, which are all the same. I finally choose songzhuang actually is to choose the life style here. In the home draw with total feel the life around here antipathetic, able to environment fusion.

YuHui oils. He pays attention to use painting language express inner feeling, like to use flow lines to experience life changes, or strong or tender. Nearly two years he more infatuated with the traditional oil painting, and draw some inspiration from the landscape painting. Recently, he and the Chinese art history carefully combed the again, no matter from the exploration of technical language or personal temperament, he more exalted NiZan, xu wei, eight big and tough pseudonym.

Traditional painting is not in the market, they are completely is a kind of spiritual pursuit. YuHui think now of the painter persistent pursuit of art and the pure point, "if blindly in order to sell work just to make creation, it definitely cannot sincerely treat works and inner space; if only consider whether the works by the market to accept, that is more lost the meaning of art creation". Different dynasties painter painting works a lot, but a man really influence is also a few pieces of, all is the elaborate works, unlike now art as if also took to the production line and began to mass production, this and artistic law is not consistent. There is a saying it's true: truly Golden decorative oil painting works are always well-known artist. This sentence like a spell lets a person hard to escape. Before he became famous people, will do all it can to, and do not consider any consequences and interests to creation, but once recognized, fame, may consider what was the fastest, will straight toward the direction of.

Came to Beijing later, YuHui has been free in the art market edge, no deliberately walked into the market, seeking gallery, occasionally through the exhibition sell works, also have circle friends and some painter to buy. Of course the most direct economic source is from his brother, in his home work, has been very support YuHui make creation. Recently he learned that some truth, the way of art is a constant know themselves, improve their own process. Through the years creation, his ideas more freedom, abandoned some original imprison, can convert different view, keep trying new expression.

Now YuHui in songzhuang rented a farmer's yard, the creation of more than can raise flowers and he wants to put the Canvas Photo Prints as a normal, the common career. He said, the life to the artist is very important, the face of all the everyone to serious face. The creation of the crazy, and give up life, this is not desirable. People alive is to in life slowly experience some things, and in the process know themselves, artists also is same.

To Beijing round his painting dream

In the face of the art market crisis and songzhuang depression, LiuChaoHui appear some lonely, and he says the sudden silence make for a moment he is difficult to adapt to.

LiuChaoHui graduated from a college of fine arts, and then opened a clothing factory, doing have nourish up. But his heart was always have a dream, that is to Beijing the best art colleges and universities study in Beijing, drawing. Ten years later he accompany the teacher to hunan's sketches, that is a very beautiful, and quite poor place. Potted flower oil painting, the sun fast down the hill, he saw a 80 - year - old old woman, with a big mud pie in the river to wash. He asked: "wash mud to do?" The old man replied: "there are millet!" LiuChaoHui said that after being washed mud, and it can crush in a handful of rice, but the old man was still in spare no effort to rubbing, see these he really want to cry. He ask yourself, and this world there are so hard struggle, but he had to put food on the table, why also try very hard to earn so much does not belong to my own share of the money, if a man fell on money eyes would be no meaning. So he decided to change my way of life, in ways, to Beijing to realize the dream of many years.

In 2006 he came to Beijing, successively in the central academy of fine arts, China art institute study for two years, and 2008 years to songzhuang. "To come to Beijing, I just know, painting can money." LiuChaoHui said, "and friends in each other, not introduced drawing how, but say first painting value how many money, I feel very not used to it.

LiuChaoHui creation theme is in free-fall state of the human body. He feels is this kind of condition of weightlessness, in this world who also can't expect, all must depend on oneself. And in the face of the materialistic world, sometimes I also not know what to do, feel what also can't hold, can not find the direction. But he likes living in the present. "Than I ever life much better, like a cloud on the day, sometimes painting is bad to also worry, uncomfortable, but very happy." LiuChaoHui said.

There are also some in songzhuang like him halfway decent man, have a plenty of abandoned the original work, some even are separated from their families. They came to songzhuang painting is to make a lot of money, and now the market suddenly not line, these people was despair. Overnight, is LiuChaoHui did not want to, his biggest dream is to finish the things you want to do every day, as long as can draw is happy. "The market crisis influence me a little bit small. I hadn't sold picture, now don't sell it doesn't matter. But the in the mind still suffering, I hope side buddy by painting to live a good life, everyone is bad I don't happy."

