
Financial tsunami did not sweep the ArtsB2C painting village

"The ArtsB2C painting village is famous in international cultural brand, in the face of the current global financial storm, the ArtsB2C painting village companies want to learn how to look and how to go." On January 7th, longgang district party committee secretary YuWeiLiang, ZhangBei district to the ArtsB2C painting village survey, and local enterprise discuss of policy measures.

The ArtsB2C painting village many companies controller tells a reporter, although in the financial storm, most of the enterprises have order to reduce, profit reduction problem, but really do not go down on the verge of collapse of the enterprise is still no. It is revealed that the ArtsB2C oil painting village's largest logistics enterprise TengBang logistics ArtsB2C sales department, in 2007 and in 2008, the turnover is in 10 million yuan or so. Although the export order is greatly reduced, but the ArtsB2C village representative enterprise - shenzhen market art source culture and art development co., LTD. 2008 years of performance is not bad, performance and profit basic and same year. The company chairman WuRuiQiu said, the main reason is that they as early as 2004 develop up domestic markets, so on two legs risk resistance capacity is much better, and in November, 2008, they also contrarian expansion, in Shanghai and zhejiang to open two new stores, plan this year the number of chain stores to 20, next year to 40. Shenzhen ArtsB2C art art auction co., LTD. Is the only ArtsB2C village art auction company, chairman of the board HeKe said that since 2008 by individual real estate market influence, come to see goods buy goods less people, but collectors groups are not too big change, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to the auction buy painting consumers still in an endless stream. Say about the personage longgang district, the financial crisis is still not let the ArtsB2C village "have a fracture", "the ArtsB2C village is going to fall" view is not conform to reality.

The financial crisis occurs, longgang district party committee government pay more attention to the development of ArtsB2C, the district leadership a meeting in person, housing rent by original 13 yuan/square metre is adjusted for 10 yuan/square metre, 2009 annual trade exhibition hall of the shops rent reduction and a year, for art dealers, artists to provide security, reduce a burden. Longgang district, many times to do production ArtsB2C investigation, and the ArtsB2C association, art dealers and painters represent discussion field information, and to solve the problem, can solve solve, can't solve district party committee report to solve the district government.

It is reported, longgang district wen run production partnering bypass, invite shenzhen gold base business management co., LTD., and the oil painting for sale industry association on January 10, to January 21, in shenzhen shopping park, subway grand theatre station, yitian holiday square, jointly sponsored by "the beautiful home - ArtsB2C painting spring fair".

