
Jonathan leor castle international oil painting competition

In order to celebrate the six hundredth anniversary of Jonathan leor create, as the owner of the castle, the poet Randolph, the optimal more, true invite you to participate in the castle with the first oil painting exhibition hall gallery opening game, the creation subject for:

Leg-the 21 st century art eyes legs

Participants must use < legs > as the theme, the four defined by select a creation:

A. classic elegant style, but the way to personal gimmick performance

B. a humorous or the irony of the gimmick performance

C. "the man's leg > since the ancient times of evolution

D. in the same picture performance "two people four legs >
Entry conditions

1. All entries must be for oil painting, size is not less than 92 X 73 cm, the picture is not in shape, but as square pieces ChangFang form circular pieces, and so on.

2. Each one works shall be marked date and sign the writing, and the enclosed resume of the creator.

3. Entries must be for the original, all copy or copying works are not and accept. The organizer special awards, the innovation, the fusion of ancient and modern individual works.

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