
ArtsB2C.com oil painting collector?

When it comes to collector, a lot of people will think of first international collection "people" are, they have master of art expensive works, frequently millions of even thousands of millions, of shares. Even their collection direction also become collection market wind vane. Compared with the foreign collectors attracted people's attention, the ArtsB2C.com collector is silent. We don't know they treat a collection of attitude, as well as collection direction, don't even know that they are there. For this, the reporter interviewed the painter SunDaWei commenting on cross-strait ties some time ago, and Poppy field oil painting collectors.

Foreign collectors in "action"

On the other side of the United States, New York has been one of the vane of artwork collects the market. Building oil painting in exploring ArtsB2C.com collectors "hidden" where before, first of all to the American market, for example, to understand foreign collectors doing, what are the purpose of collection. Later, to prove ArtsB2C.com collectors groups where ArtsB2C.com and whether there are real collectors.

It is understood that the foreign collectors will usually hold decorated the house or investment purpose of oil painting collection. Paris oil painting introduction, in the United States, collect painting has become a "inertia", they will be according to their own house style to choose oil painting works. A lot of people purchase bridal chamber, if buy is contemporary style house, they will go to business contemporary art gallery. At the same time, such as the UK, Germany, France, Italy, etc of European immigrants, they are more a collection of origin, a lot of the elderly have a collection of hobbies, they will buy traditional house, match with traditional painting as a decoration. But, there are few traditional style house hanging in contemporary art.

The investment for the purpose of collector, usually follow gallery for collection. The American market, there are many collection class magazine, and cities have art district, and galleries street, known as the collector of the art world recent dynamic. At the same time, the gallery also is very good at business, for the investment for the purpose of collector for, they might be in oil painting a little knowledge is a dangerous thing more don't understand history of art, but they will find in collection of a "walking stick", this is the gallery owner. They will not regularly inform collectors to see signing artists. SunDaWei for example, he knew the Seattle a gallery owner, she all the business Garden oil painting painter works. In the painter exhibitions, she will this painter this exhibition of paintings and former paintings, and at the same time, printed on the exhibition manual, let collectors to understand the thread of the artist, the artist works tell collector before prices, and after the appreciation to the present price, enhance the confidence of the collector on its works.

In addition, the United States and a higher level of collect organizations, foreign galleries and collect organizations, usually there will be enough money paintings, and enough money to operate the work. At present, this is also the ArtsB2C.com collection agencies lack most, cause only Forest oil painting stores sell oil painting. The United States collects the market very standard, collect organizations by many experienced collectors to organized into the club's form, most is a strength of the consortium. At the same time, in the larger companies, have management art department, the department personnel specialized responsible for the company's all the offices and foreign liaison office decoration. Some large market, also can have and art related departments, be responsible for the arrangement of the market, including a shopping center area of art, sculpture, put, is very exquisite.

SunDaWei said, the United States collects the market form a chain of art, which makes the collection agencies in the collection very targeted, they will collect some unknown artist's work, after period of time will collection sent to auction, then purchases new works added in. He thinks that, for collectors for, so called "home", should grow up together with the painter, the collection work step by step into the market, and should not be anxious to make moves. At present, in ArtsB2C.com, it is still a few collectors, need to be more internationalized and more standard.

Collectors will more and more

Foreign countries have a lot of collectors, they are not rich, but see a picture in the right works, they borrow money, will also be pooled to buy. People participate in class collection is also an artwork collects the market into the positive development orbit of the mark. Their attitude is very ordinary, for the love of work for collection. Venice oil painting at present ArtsB2C.com although not so much, but she was very optimistic about the market oil painting collection. Collect painting in the future will become a kind of fashion, as ordinary commodity purchase as popularization. She said that if collect painting form atmosphere, the ArtsB2C.com will soon accept this way. For instance, at McDonald's, KFC has just entered ArtsB2C.com, many young people will actively try, now a car people also more and more. With the development of economy, the future may have a painting will become the new fashion. Which may have a blundering process, but into the health track after this urge slowly disappears, the collection team will be more and more large.

The traditional painting collection is still dominate

At present, the contemporary art in the world is overshadowed by, auction price is makes one be left speechless with wonder or fear. But, ArtsB2C.com collectors seems to contemporary art is not "cold", still holding the position of the traditional oil painting. Mediterranean oil painting that ArtsB2C.com's collector or collect traditional realistic painting be in the majority. To ZhangXue for example, she is from oil painting collection Russia began to contact the art collection. She says, a lot of people from oil painting collection Russia began. First of all, the Russian paintings cheaper. Secondly, ArtsB2C.com oil painting by the influence of the Russian oil painting is very serious, we now have the chance to direct contact to the Russian painter works, the feeling is very good.

At the same time, Vineyard oil painting: "I don't like contemporary art." She said: "I collect a painting is the basis of the artist's painting skills must be solid. For example, now some artists on the canvas, the outline of a few lines is a painting, I wouldn't spend hundreds of thousands of yuan to collect such work. However, when I saw the realistic works, picturesque is a girl of in the country, I think, may the author from grew up in the country, he has the feelings, then I may resonate with him, it is a kind of wonderful memories. In addition, still can feel the painter is in a pen a pen in the picture, a painting to a few months to finish, I very convincing.

The painting had just can have

