
Traditional Chinese painting price: virtual high or low

For the ancient and modern Oil painting for sale price decision, he thought that the new, in addition to the painter in the history of academic position outside, work is also very rare quantity of hub, "content with rare for expensive" in the art market reflect very significant, thing less valuable. !

The price of traditional Chinese painting in the gap between domestic and overseas market, Beijing is the international auction limited liability company general manager celebrating the New Year thought, both at home and abroad, the base of difference between at about 10 to 20 times the left and right sides, mainly due to the differences between Vineyard oil painting and western cultural cognition. "Foreigners it is difficult to understand the traditional Chinese painting, they feel very abstract, look not to understand. But this kind of situation is followed by Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and slowly change." Celebrating the New Year said, "and is very important, that the contemporary art price is high, is due to a great extent have foreign funds to chase after hold in both hands, these foreign capital operation than the perfect and mature; and in the field of Mediterranean oil painting is the most from Chinese, no matter from experience is still the number of funds are far more, so prices lower."

MouJianPing thought, school's regional influence is also the important reason for the business works. "Chinese painting a lot, all over the country a department approval, a department just local. These different regions of masters' works, in different regions have different prices, such as painting in Beijing can for 20000 yuan, but in xian is likely to reach 50000 yuan."

Influence factors of price of Landscape oil painting is various, about a lot old painters and their works neglected deep reasons, west soak up the analysis way: "on the one hand is the old painter has by the world, may not like now artists available media or other cognitive way to progress their famous degree, or the corresponding market operation. The second is a lot investors is not in the Chinese history of art research experts, not from a large number of literature and historical material found that subject, they don't even know the older generation artists, so research, process of discovery is very important to us. We are not lack of good painter, but a lack of found good painter's treasure house, investors. Three is determine the veracity of the contemporary art is easy, to identify the authenticity of a deceased painter works is more difficult, the lack of appreciation system has also increased the formation of this phenomenon.

