
The origin of the oil painting custom

Painting custom
Refers to the customer choose to stop painting perhaps painting artists serve to fit under the lowest status of the capital to achieve a desired purpose.
More simple little comment is: the customer exchange and discuss with the art dealer or artist, lost I want the painting works of art.

Painting customized presented:
In late European court aristocracy custom painting was once a period of trend prior Renaissance oil painting custom serve elected to the stage of an unrepeatable carried out. Painting custom become a palace-nobles patent, the court will employ the best artists tailored for their members to create the work I love, to whitewash construction of space and boast of my wealth and position as a interest. Of course, as the work goes on, the court nobility decline. Most people are able to have an art experience in custom painting, people are able to customize my favorite works of the masters, also can be customized similar in the works belong to I, custom belongs to the hearts of the most wonderful of an instant. After painting custom once constitute a fashionable re-was picked up by the people. Home art more and more whitewash. Painting custom industry will have a new period to carry out.

